
PassionJumanji @PassionJumanji

Offline Joined 1 years ago Lancaster, Pennsylvania

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You can see all 3 here . . . AMV Welcome, Cafe & Street Party


Inside the Cafe that is located inside AMV Welcome Center


AMV Street Party With DJ Maia from 5 - 7 Every Wednesday Evening


AMV Street Party From 5 - 7 every Wednesday Evening (Grid Time)


Here comes some more of AMV Street Party with DJ Maia


These pics are all AMV Street Party on Wednesday Evenings, DJ Maia does Electro Music from 5 - 7 PM. If you like Electro/Trance type music, then this is the place for you! ;)


Event @ Clan Escotia's region where he was playing with his Clan's band. Fun Event ;)


AMV Welcome Center looking in the direction of the coffee house there. When people come in, they can grab a cuppa coffee, tea, hot cocoa & even a snack or even some pizza & more! ;)

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